Thank you for coming all to another week following the launch of Vexation 2. Sit back and enjoy the read.
Prior Vexation 2
Not tried the first vexing game in the series? Just go here:
Play Vexation
Once you have played that game please comment improvements to ensure Vexation 2 delivers the experience you desire. Much love <3
No More Draft
This is likely the best addition to the Vexation sequel ever. Sure in Vexation 1 it was a blast to play the carefully crafted stages and try achieve Gold in each act. It was fun, but not as interactive as it potentially could have been. This window has now been closed. We present the stage builder!
What is the Stage Builder?
Well... In Vexation 2 not only can you play awesome stages made by me, you can also make your own stages or play others made by the community! Using every block, enemy or swinging pole available you can simply drag and drop a stage to life. Once a block is selected you can easily increase or decrease the width and height and should you need to be super precise you can enter the x and y co-ordinates manually.
Unlocking the Stage Builder
From the moment you press the play button the stage builder is unlocked. It may be unlocked but you cannot use it's full capacity immediately. You can only use an item if you have seen it already in game. For example, you can only use pushable blocks once you have completed Act 5 Stage 4 (the first stage they appear on). Now you creative players have an incentive to get to the end!
Have YOUR NAME on the Next Vexation Game!
You heard me right there folks! Because the stage builder uses a huge string to read and build it's stages for you play; not only can you copy the code in game and send it to a friend, your friend can then paste the code and play your new map. Now, if you send this code of your awesome new map to me, I will evaluate the game and if it's among the Top 50 stages I will whack it in "Vexation 2: Community" with YOUR NAME proudly tagged along!
And that wraps up this week of Vexation news. I hope your creative side is a lot more buzzed up about Vexation 2's release now.